World Leaders

Berlusconi drinking wine
From a series of over 50.
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Other images from this series
Idi Amin
Yuri Andropov
Prince Andrew
Kofi Annan
Princess Anne
Yasser Arafat
Baby Doc
Pope Benedict XVI
Silvio Berlusconi
Bin Laden
Tony Blair
Willy Brandt
Gordon Brown
George Bush Snr & Jnr
David Cameron
Jimmy Carter
Fidel Castro
Nicolae Ceaucescu
Prince Charles
Winston Churchill
Bill & Hillary Clinton
Charles De Gaulle
Princess Diana
Anthony Eden
Edward VIII & Alexandra
Edward & Mrs Simpson
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Gerald Ford
Pope Francis
Indira Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Prince George
Mikhail Gorbachev
Ulysses S. Grant
Haile Selassie
Charles Haughey
Edward Heath
Emperor Hirohito
Adolf Hitler
Ho Chi Minh
President Hoover
Saddam Hussein
Lyndon B Johnson
Pope John XXIII
Pope John Paul I
Pope John Paul II
Emperor Franz Joseph
Nikita Khruschev
Martin Luther King
Helmut Kohl
Abraham Lincoln
Lloyd George
Harold Macmillan
John Major
Nelson Mandela
Princess Margaret
Karl Marx
Queen Mary
Angela Merkel
Kate Middleton
Slobodan Milosevic
Robert Mugabe
Benito Mussolini
Tsar Nicholas II
Richard Nixon
Barack Obama
Pope Paul VI
Prince Philip
Pope Pius X
Pope Pius XII
Pol Pot
Vladimir Putin
Queen Elizabeth II
The Queen Mother
Ronald Reagan
Teddy Roosevelt
Nicolas Sarkozy
Helmut Schmidt
Shah of Iran
William Taft
Margaret Thatcher
Harry S. Truman
Donald Trump
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Prince William
Harold Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
Boris Yeltsin
& More
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